About NPO Crossroads

At NPO Crossroads, our fundamental mission is to provide an objective, user friendly, participative, credible and unbiased website that offers leaders and managers of community-based nonprofit organizations–you–news and management information in ways specifically designed to enhance individual and organizational performance.

NPO Crossroads Mission

The mission of NPO Crossroads is to provide managers and leaders of community-based, nonprofit organizations with reliable, carefully selected and current sources of performance-enhancing information and resources–answers. The NPO Crossroads website is uniquely organized and designed to reflect and present information using a content presentation format and framework based on national categories and criteria identified as contributing to improved organizational performance — excellence.

Service Concept

At NPO Crossroads our service focus is on “helping the helpers”–those of you who are leaders, managers and volunteers of nonprofit organizations–improve your personal and organizational performance by using national standards and criteria for excellence as the benchmarks for selecting and placing information on your web site.

Evolving mission

The purpose of NPO Crossroads is to help nonprofits improve their performance, and in so doing, achieve and sustain organizational excellence. Initially, the concept of “excellence” will be adapted from national sources such as the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Program. However, as Crossroads and its related surveys generate broad input and participation by leaders and managers of community-based nonprofits, it is anticipated that the definition of “excellence” will change. You, the users and customers of NPO Crossroads will collectively redefine what excellence means regarding your organizations. The mission and purpose of NPO Crossroads will be adjusted accordingly.

Organized by Excellence

The NPO Crossroads “value added” news and information assessment process helps ensure that only performance-enhancing management news, information, research, best practices, recommendations, and lessons learned, are chosen for placement, annotation and showcasing–within a framework of categories and criteria identified as contributors to organizational excellence. These categories draw heavily from those suggested by national excellence standards setting organizations in this area, i.e. the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Program. In addition, your recommendations and on-going research into NPO performance excellence will sharpen this focus. Your recommendations will help establish more realistic performance standards and measures for nonprofits.

Ultimately, fact-based methodologies and your active participation, will enable the definitions and criteria of organizational excellence for nonprofit organizations to be steadily refined and focused–by you—NPO management practitioners, thus contributing to a revised and perhaps expanded definition of organizational excellence for community-based nonprofit organizations.